3. Create a data provider from scratch
The standards and usage of APIs can vary significantly, so it is possible that refine's built-in data providers may not be suitable for your needs. If that is the case, you will need to develop your own data provider.
Data providers function like an adapter system infrastructure, communicating with the REST
, GraphQL
and SOAP
based APIs. Libraries like fetch
, axios
and Apollo-Client
can be used for this communication.
We will begin developing our data provider by creating a file and adding additional methods to it as we proceed. We will use axios
as our HTTP client in this tutorial. It will allow us to make efficient and reliable HTTP requests to our server.
also provides interceptors, which are methods that trigger before the main method. They also provide benefits such as centralized error handling, modifying request or response data and showing global loading indicators.
To get started, install axios
in your project.
npm install axios@0.26
Using the stringify
library will allow us to convert the query parameters into a string format. This can be useful when we need to pass query parameters as part of an HTTP request.
npm install query-string@7
After that, create the following file.
import { DataProvider } from "@refinedev/core";
import { stringify } from "query-string";
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// Methods
Error Handling
When the API returns an error, you need to extend refine from HttpError to handle it. To transform the error from the response before axios
returns the response to your code, you can use the axios
To do this, create an axiosInstance
in a utility
file, define an interceptor
to handle errors, and then export it.
import axios from "axios";
import { DataProvider, HttpError } from "@refinedev/core";
import { stringify } from "query-string";
// Error handling with axios interceptors
const axiosInstance = axios.create();
(response) => {
return response;
(error) => {
const customError: HttpError = {
message: error.response?.data?.message,
statusCode: error.response?.status,
return Promise.reject(customError);
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// Methods
We will now add the methods the data provider needs to implement, which are:
The getList
method is used to get a list of resources with sorting, filtering and pagination features.
It takes resource
, sorters
, pagination
and filters
as parameters and returns data
and total
Let's assume the API we want to implement is as follows:
[GET] https://api.fake-rest.refine.dev/posts
HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json
x-total-count: 1000
access-control-expose-headers: X-Total-Count
"id": 930,
"title": "Rerum id laborum architecto et rerum earum.",
"slug": "et-voluptas-corporis",
"category": {
"id": 4
"status": "draft",
"id": 892,
"title": "Architecto officiis sint voluptatem modi.",
"slug": "iusto-est-corrupti",
"category": {
"id": 1
"status": "rejected",
First, we need to return the data and the total number of records using the resource
The resource
parameter is the name of the resource that we want to get the data from. It passes by the resource
parameter in hooks. In our case, it is posts
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
getList: async ({ resource }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}`;
const { data, headers } = await axiosInstance.get(url);
const total = +headers["x-total-count"];
return {
// ...
We can then add the pagination feature. For this, the API takes the following parameters.
[GET] https://api.fake-rest.refine.dev/posts?_limit=10&_page=2
refine uses the pagination
parameter for pagination. For this parameter, current
refers to the page number, and pageSize
refers to the number of records on each page.
current: 1,
pageSize: 10,
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
getList: async ({ resource, pagination }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}`;
const { current = 1, pageSize = 10 } = pagination ?? {};
const query: {
_start?: number;
_end?: number;
} = {
_start: (current - 1) * pageSize,
_end: current * pageSize,
const { data, headers } = await axiosInstance.get(
const total = +headers["x-total-count"];
return {
// ...
Now let's add the sorting feature. The API expects the following parameters for sorting:
[GET] https://api.fake-rest.refine.dev/posts?_limit=10&_page=2&_sort=id&_order=desc
refine uses the sorters
parameter for sorting. This parameter includes the field
and order
Supports multiple field sorting. CrudSort[] type, it comes in the data provider as follows.
field: "id",
order: "desc",
getList: async ({ resource, pagination, sorters }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}`;
const { current = 1, pageSize = 10 } = pagination ?? {};
const query: {
_start?: number;
_end?: number;
_sort?: string;
_order?: string;
} = {
_start: (current - 1) * pageSize,
_end: current * pageSize,
if (sorters && sorters.length > 0) {
query._sort = sorters[0].field;
query._order = sorters[0].order;
const { data, headers } = await axiosInstance.get(
const total = +headers["x-total-count"];
return {
Now let's add the filtering feature. The API expects the following parameters for filtering:
[GET] https://api.fake-rest.refine.dev/posts?_limit=10&_page=2&_sort=id&_order=desc&title_like
refine uses the filters
parameter for filtering. This parameter contains the field
, operator
and value
values with the CrudFilters [] type.
field: "status"
operator: "eq"
value: "published"
field: "title"
operator: "contains"
value: "Hello"
The operator
data comes with the CrudOperators type and needs to be mapped to the API. For this, the following mapOperator
function needs to be written:
// Map refine operators to API operators
const mapOperator = (operator: CrudOperators): string => {
switch (operator) {
case "ne":
case "gte":
case "lte":
return `_${operator}`;
case "contains":
return "_like";
case "eq":
return "";
const generateFilters = (filters?: CrudFilters) => {
const queryFilters: { [key: string]: string } = {};
filters?.map((filter): void => {
if ("field" in filter) {
const { field, operator, value } = filter;
const mappedOperator = mapOperator(operator);
queryFilters[`${field}${mappedOperator}`] = value;
return queryFilters;
getList: async ({ resource, pagination, sorters, filters }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}`;
const { current = 1, pageSize = 10 } = pagination ?? {};
const query: {
_start?: number;
_end?: number;
_sort?: string;
_order?: string;
} = {
_start: (current - 1) * pageSize,
_end: current * pageSize,
if (sorters && sorters.length > 0) {
query._sort = sorters[0].field;
query._order = sorters[0].order;
const queryFilters = generateFilters(filters);
const { data, headers } = await axiosInstance.get(
const total = +headers["x-total-count"];
return {
The conditional filters can also be made using and
and or
. For example:
operator: "or",
value: [
operator: "and"
value: [
field: "title"
operator: "contain"
value: "Hello"
field: "age"
operator: "gte"
value: "18"
operator: "and"
value: [
field: "title"
operator: "contain"
value: "Hello"
field: "age"
operator: "lte"
value: "18"
Parameter Types:
Name | Type |
resource | string |
pagination? | Pagination |
sorters? | CrudSorting |
filters? | CrudFilters |
refine will consume the getList
method using the useList
or useInfiniteList
data hook.
import { useList } from "@refinedev/core";
const { data } = useList({
resource: "posts",
sorters: [
field: "id",
order: "desc",
filters: [
field: "title",
operator: "contains",
value: "hello",
The create
method creates a new record with the resource
and variables
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
create: async ({ resource, variables }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}`;
const { data } = await axiosInstance.post(url, variables);
return {
// ...
Parameter Types
Name | Type | Default |
resource | string | |
variables | TVariables | {} |
is a user defined type which can be passed to useCreate
to type variables
refine will consume the create
method using the useCreate
data hook.
import { useCreate } from "@refinedev/core";
const { mutate } = useCreate();
resource: "posts",
values: {
title: "New Post",
Refer to the useCreate documentation for more information. →
The update
method updates the record with the resource
, id
and variables
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
update: async ({ resource, id, variables }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}/${id}`;
const { data } = await axiosInstance.patch(url, variables);
return {
// ...
Parameter Types:
Name | Type | Default |
resource | string | |
id | BaseKey | |
variables | TVariables | {} |
is a user defined type which can be passed to useUpdate
to type variables
refine will consume the update
method using the useUpdate
data hook.
import { useUpdate } from "@refinedev/core";
const { mutate } = useUpdate();
resource: "posts",
id: 2,
values: { title: "New Post Title" },
Refer to the useUpdate documentation for more information. →
The deleteOne
method delete the record with the resource
and id
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
deleteOne: async ({ resource, id, variables }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}/${id}`;
const { data } = await axiosInstance.delete(url, {
data: variables,
return {
// ...
Parameter Types:
Name | Type | Default |
resource | string | |
id | BaseKey | |
variables | TVariables[] | {} |
is a user defined type which can be passed to useDelete
to type variables
refine will consume the deleteOne
method using the useDelete
data hook.
import { useDelete } from "@refinedev/core";
const { mutate } = useDelete();
mutate({ resource: "posts", id: 2 });
Refer to the useDelete documentation for more information. →
The getOne
method gets the record with the resource
and id
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
getOne: async ({ resource, id }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}/${id}`;
const { data } = await axiosInstance.get(url);
return {
// ...
Parameter Types:
Name | Type | Default |
resource | string | |
id | BaseKey |
refine will consume the getOne
method using the useOne
data hook.
import { useOne } from "@refinedev/core";
const { data } = useOne({ resource: "posts", id: 1 });
The getApiUrl
method returns the apiUrl
import { DataProvider } from "@refinedev/core";
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
getApiUrl: () => apiUrl,
// ...
refine will consume the getApiUrl
method using the useApiUrl
data hook.
import { useApiUrl } from "@refinedev/core";
const { data } = useApiUrl();
Refer to the useApiUrl documentation for more information. →
An optional method named custom
can be added to handle requests with custom parameters like the URL or CRUD methods and configurations.
It's useful if you have non-standard REST
API endpoints or want to make a connection with external resources.
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
custom: async ({
}) => {
let requestUrl = `${url}?`;
if (sorters && sorters.length > 0) {
const sortQuery = {
_sort: sorters[0].field,
_order: sorters[0].order,
requestUrl = `${requestUrl}&${stringify(sortQuery)}`;
if (filters) {
const filterQuery = generateFilters(filters);
requestUrl = `${requestUrl}&${stringify(filterQuery)}`;
if (query) {
requestUrl = `${requestUrl}&${stringify(query)}`;
let axiosResponse;
switch (method) {
case "put":
case "post":
case "patch":
axiosResponse = await axiosInstance[method](url, payload, {
case "delete":
axiosResponse = await axiosInstance.delete(url, {
data: payload,
headers: headers,
axiosResponse = await axiosInstance.get(requestUrl, {
const { data } = axiosResponse;
return { data };
// ...
Parameter Types
Name | Type |
url | string |
method | get , delete , head , options , post , put , patch |
sorters? | CrudSorting ; |
filters? | CrudFilters ; |
payload? | {} |
query? | {} |
headers? | {} |
refine will consume the custom
method using the useCustom
data hook.
import { useCustom, useApiUrl } from "@refinedev/core";
const { data, isLoading } = useCustom({
url: `${apiURL}/posts-unique-check`,
method: "get",
config: {
query: {
title: "Foo bar",
Refer to the useCustom documentation for more information. →
Bulk Actions
Bulk actions are actions that can be performed on multiple items at once to improve speed and efficiency. They are commonly used in admin panels. They can be used for data import
and export
, and are also atomic, meaning that they are treated as a single unit.
If your API supports bulk actions, you can implement them in your data provider.
The getMany
method gets the records with the resource
and ids
parameters. This method is optional, and refine will use the getOne
method to handle multiple requests if you don't implement it.
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
getMany: async ({ resource, ids }) => {
const { data } = await axiosInstance.get(
`${apiUrl}/${resource}?${stringify({ id: ids })}`,
return {
// ...
Parameter Types:
Name | Type | Default |
resource | string | |
ids | [BaseKey] |
refine will consume the getMany
method using the useMany
data hook.
import { useMany } from "@refinedev/core";
const { data } = useMany({ resource: "posts", ids: [1, 2] });
This method allows us to create multiple items in a resource. This method is optional, and refine will use the create
method to handle multiple requests if you don't implement it.
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
createMany: async ({ resource, variables }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}/bulk`;
const { data } = await axiosInstance.post(url, { values: variables });
return {
// ...
Parameter Types:
Name | Type | Default |
resource | string | |
variables | TVariables[] | {} |
is a user defined type which can be passed to useCreateMany
to type variables
refine will consume the createMany
method using the useCreateMany
data hook.
import { useCreateMany } from "@refinedev/core";
const { mutate } = useCreateMany();
resource: "posts",
values: [
title: "New Post",
title: "Another New Post",
Refer to the useCreateMany documentation for more information. →
This method allows us to delete multiple items in a resource. This method is optional, and refine will use the deleteOne
method to handle multiple requests if you don't implement it.
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
deleteMany: async ({ resource, ids }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}/bulk?ids=${ids.join(",")}`;
const { data } = await axiosInstance.delete(url);
return {
// ...
Parameter Types:
Name | Type | Default |
resource | string | |
ids | [BaseKey] | |
variables | TVariables[] | {} |
is a user defined type which can be passed to useDeleteMany
to type variables
refine will consume the deleteMany
method using the useDeleteMany
data hook.
import { useDeleteMany } from "@refinedev/core";
const { mutate } = useDeleteMany();
resource: "posts",
ids: [2, 3],
Refer to the useDeleteMany documentation for more information. →
This method allows us to update multiple items in a resource. This method is optional, and refine will use the update
method to handle multiple requests if you don't implement it.
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
updateMany: async ({ resource, ids, variables }) => {
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}/bulk`;
const { data } = await axiosInstance.patch(url, { ids, variables });
return {
// ...
refine will consume the updateMany
method using the useUpdateMany
data hook.
import { useUpdateMany } from "@refinedev/core";
const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();
resource: "posts",
ids: [1, 2],
values: { status: "draft" },
Refer to the useUpdateMany documentation for more information. →
meta usage
is a special property that can be used to pass additional information to data provider methods for the following purposes:
- Customizing the data provider methods for specific use cases.
- Generating GraphQL queries using plain JavaScript Objects (JSON).
Refer to the meta
section of the General Concepts documentation for more information →
For example, let's say that we want to pass a custom header to the getOne
method. We can do this by passing the meta
parameter to the useOne
data hook.
import { useOne } from "@refinedev/core";
resource: "post",
id: "1",
meta: {
headers: {
"x-custom-header": "hello world",
Now, we can access the meta
parameter in the getOne
method of the data provider.
import { DataProvider } from "@refinedev/core";
export const dataProvider = (apiUrl: string): DataProvider => ({
// ...
getOne: async ({ resource, id, variables, meta }) => {
const { headers } = meta;
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}/${id}`;
axiosInstance.defaults.headers = {
const { data } = await axiosInstance.get(url, variables);
return {
// ...
The meta
parameter can be used in all data, form, and table hooks.