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useImport hook allows you to import data from a CSV file. For each row in the file, it calls the create or createMany method of your data provider according to your configuration.

Internally, it uses Papa Parse to parse the file contents.

Basic Usage

Here is a basic usage example of the useImport hook:

import { useImport } from "@refinedev/core";

interface IPostFile {
title: string;
categoryId: string;

export const PostList: React.FC = () => {
const { inputProps } = useImport<IPostFile>();

return <input {...inputProps} />;



Default: Read from the current route

Determines which resource is passed to the create or createMany method of your data provider.

resource: "posts",

If you have multiple resources with the same name, you can pass the identifier instead of the name of the resource. It will only be used as the main matching key for the resource, data provider methods will still work with the name of the resource defined in the <Refine/> component.

For more information, refer to the identifier of the <Refine/> component documentation


If you want to map the data before sending it to a data provider method, you can use the mapData property.

mapData: (data) => ({,
category: {
id: data.categoryId,


You can pass any Papa Parse options to the paparseOptions property.

paparseOptions: {
header: true,


Default: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER

If you want to send the data in batches, you can use the batchSize property. When the batchSize is 1, it calls the create method of your data provider for each row in the file. When the batchSize is greater than 1, it calls the createMany method of your data provider for each batch.

batchSize: 1,


If you want to do something after the import is finished, you can use the onFinish property. It returns an object with two properties: succeeded and errored, which contain the responses of the successful and failed requests.

onFinish: (result) => {
// success requests response
result.succeeded.forEach((item) => {

// failed requests response
result.errored.forEach((item) => {


If you want to send additional data to the create or createMany method of your data provider, you can use the meta property.

meta: {
foo: "bar",


A callback function that is called when the import progress changes. It returns an object with two properties: totalAmount and processedAmount which contain the total amount of rows and the processed amount of rows.

onProgress: ({ totalAmount, processedAmount }) => {
// progress percentage
console.log((processedAmount / totalAmount) * 100);


If there is more than one dataProvider, you can specify which one to use by passing the dataProviderName prop. It is useful when you have a different data provider for different resources.

dataProviderName: "second-data-provider",



Use resource instead.

Return Values


inputProps is an object that contains the props of the input element. You can spread it to the input element.

const { inputProps } = useImport();

return <input {...inputProps} />;


It is set to file by default.


It is set to .csv by default.


It handles the file change event. If the file exists, it will call the handleChange method with the file as an argument.


handleChange is a function that handles the file change event. It accepts an object with a file property which is the file that is selected by the user.

const { handleChange } = useImport();

return (
onChange={(event) => {
if ( {


isLoading is a boolean that indicates whether the import is in progress or not.


Returns the result of either the useCreate or the useCreateMany hook.


Handling Relational Data

Sometimes you need to process your parsed CSV data for certain cases, such as when your data includes relational data and references to other data or when your backend API requires a specific data format. To handle this, you can use the mapData option in useImport to customize the process.

For example, the CSV file is as follows:

"dummy title 1","dummy content 1","rejected","3","8"
"dummy title 2","dummy content 2","draft","44","8"
"dummy title 3","cummy content 3","published","41","10"

Since the user and category are relational fields, we store only their id fields in the exported file as userId and categoryId respectively. To create resources from this file, we need to map the data back to the required format of the backend API. To do this, we use the mapData option in useImport. Here's an example:

When creating these resources back, we should map it back to our backend API's required format. mapData option allows us to do this. Here is an example:

mapData: (item) => {
return {
title: item.title,
content: item.content,
status: item.status,
category: {
id: item.categoryId,
user: {
id: item.userId,

interface IPostFile {
title: string;
status: string;
content: string;
categoryId: string;
userId: string;

With this code, the parsed data will be mapped to conform to the API requirements.

API Reference


Return Values

inputPropsProps to that you can pass <input /> element props.UseImportInputPropsType
handleChangeProps to handle <input type="file"> element onChangefunction
isLoadingIt can be used to handle the loading status for the Import operationboolean
mutationResultResult of the mutation/mutations of creating imported resourcesUseMutationResult<{ data: TData }, TError, { resource: string; values: TVariables; }, unknown>) | UseMutationResult<{ data: TData[]},TError, { resource: string; values: TVariables[]; }, unknown>)

Type Parameters

TItemInterface of parsed csv dataany
TDataResult type of the data query type that extends BaseRecordBaseRecord
TErrorCustom error object that extends HttpErrorHttpError
TVariablesValues for mutation functionany


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npm create refine-app@latest -- --example core-use-import